Saturday 1 January 2011

I tried the glutino english muffins and I luv them. They have a light crunchy texture speckled with tiny cornmeal bits that immitate the real deal, they are easy to cut once thawed and have a light fluffy taste. As always, make sure to toast your GF bread real good, I pass it in my toaster not once but twice. 

It was a relaxing sunday morning, I toasted my lovely english muffins, spread them with a smidge of butter each and topped with some gf cottage cheese (yes, be careful on this one too!), and prepared a side dish of fresh blueberries and banana in a bit of milk (you can substitute soy milk or almond milk) along with some lovely earl grey cream tea. It is a wonderful experience when I can get up and spontaneously make a wonderful gluten free breakfast along with my boyfriend and feel completely normal.

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